Latest developments with the Turkish vine fruit market

Date: 23rd March 2016 Category: Latest News
Latest developments with the Turkish vine fruit market

On Saturday morning there was frost in several regions. We can say roughly 100 thousand acre (1000m2) was affected severely. This is 1/10 of the total region.

Considering the fact that this an early frost, the vineyards will most definitely give new births. The second births aren’t as  productive as the first ones but most definitely they are going to save some serious part of the damage. National Dried Fruit Trade Association

For the above reasons, we believe the frost didn’t really decrease the quantity of the crop. Other than that yet all looks well.

Due to the very warm weather conditions on February. Vineyards are early. After couple of days of cold weather last week the weather heated up again. So the vineyards are growing on full speed. The risk for frost remains until end of April. Please remember last year frost came 24th of April. And that the late frosts don’t recover with new births.  For the short period ahead we don’t see a risk on the weather conditions.