Pecans: gap between supply and demand

Date: 16th June 2022 Category: Latest News
Pecans: gap between supply and demand

Advantages and disadvantages

Through the American Pecan Promotion Board (APPB), which US pecan farmers recently founded, a lot of money will flow into marketing and research in the future. The goal, of course, is to increase interest in pecans and thus boost sales. However, the experts at Pecan Report do not see only advantages in this tactic, because the gap between supply capacity and demand, which already exists, could widen considerably as a result. The problem is that although many growers have already increased their plantations, it takes eight to ten years for the trees to bear nuts for the first time. For several years, the American Pecan Council (APC) has been registering increasing buying interest, and already large quantities of raw nuts imported from Mexico have to be resorted to in order to cover this. (Mundus-Agri)


"June Drop" as an important factor

While growers in the southern hemisphere are busy harvesting and shelling, farmers in the northern hemisphere are currently monitoring their plantations for pest and mold infestation, as the Pecan Report states. Particularly in view of the growing demand, they are striving for a large crop volume - the so-called "June drop" is also important in this context, in which the trees shed excess nuts in order to be able to adequately supply the remaining fruit. However, most producers in the south-eastern growing states have sufficient water reserves to withstand the drought. (Mundus-Agri)