Prunes: US crop shrunk by 17%

Date: 14th November 2022 Category: Latest News
Prunes: US crop shrunk by 17%

Mundus Agri. Frost and drought took their toll on the Californian fruits. The INC has published its forecast for global prune production in 2022/2023 and expects a decline of almost 4%.

Global crop declines

According to the California Prune Board, frost in spring as well as extreme heat and drought in the summer months, also took their toll on prune production. According to the experts, however, the quality of the fruit is convincing, the sugar content is above average and the dry ratio is good.

In its current report, the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) cites the California Prune Board's production estimate of 62,000 mt, which would be a decline of almost 17% compared to last year. According to the experts, a decline in production is also to be expected in France and Serbia, while the crops in Chile and Argentina are expected to be at least at the level of last year. Globally, a deficit of 4% compared to the previous year is therefore to be expected for the 2022/2023 season, with a production volume of 170,360 mt.



USA - 16.6%, Chile 13.0%, Argentina  0.0%, France -12.3%, Serbia -16.7%, Australia 17.4%; Italy 51.8%, South Africa 0.00%; Total -3.8%

Chilean prunes are more affordable

Availability cannot keep up with demand. For foreign buyers, importing Californian prunes is hardly profitable; they are already relatively high-priced before the import duty is added. For most, Chile is the origin of choice, even if some buyers prefer US goods, Catz experts say. However, the last containers are already being offered for sale in Chile before the plants stop production for the usual maintenance work before the start of the new harvest in February/March.